Climate Crisis Trauma Treatment
Fighting the Climate Crisis Within You
Climate Crisis Trauma is becoming more common, and I have found people online that, even though they are not on the front line of the climate crisis, are having panic attacks and suicidal thoughts because of the bleak future that mankind is carving for itself. The powerlessness is similar to the Marxist anomie. For those whose lives are torn apart by such things as homes destroyed by hurricanes or have to move because of droughts the effects on the whole family is much worse, but is still treatable. A person can feel that there is no solution to the environment and their health, and that there is nothing that an individual can do to alter the outcome, I disagree.
To lessen the psychological effect on the individual we have the Tension Sheet, which when used regularly, is able to calm nerves, and improve the sleep, that when disturbed, leads to mental illness. My Insomnia Cures webpage details how to get a good night's sleep, which is in itself a great medicine for whatever stress you face due to climate crisis. Another great way to relax is by listening to jungle sounds of YouTube. For those who have had a mental breakdown due to the climate crisis, there is the Kadir-Buxton Method which cures mental illness in thirty seconds, and the British Space Administration Drinking Game. The stress one feels from Climate Crisis Trauma can be lessened using my Brain Washing webpage, which has been used to lessen the feelings of loss for a loved one, which could have led to my patients becoming ill over the loss. This will work on other traumas too. Doing three brain washes might lead to a complete cure where the individual is not interested in the climate crisis any more, but one or two will leave the sufferer a life long activist. For those few not wanting a permanent cure try Love Potion Number 10, it is temporary.
There is also climate crisis therapy, due to lack of funds many people feel they are powerless. As long as you are reading this page you can plant trees using:
where donors pay to do environmental things for free providing you show support for them by clicking a button. An average person needs to plant 2,000 trees during their lifetime to offset their CO2 emissions, a few months on mobile phones and computers will do this, which will lower the stress on a sufferer. You might even be able to persuade relatives and friends to do the same.
For just a small amount of money you can offset your emissions, for the price of a family pizza meal I offset at and plant forest gardens in Africa by saving my coffee money at work, and just drinking water instead.
You may wish to do more if you can find the money, joining a political party or environmental group makes you feel more active and gives yourself a feeling of achieving.
And you may also want to invent a new method of cutting CO2 emissions. To help you with this I have a webpage on how to increase your IQ. To invent something you just then need to read two unrelated books and find a common ground between the two, which is an invention. Good books to start with include 'Drawdown' that lists and costs 100 inventions that can, between them, reverse the climate crisis, and 'There is no Planet B.'